Eminem在Battle Rap中是不可被战胜的..好兄弟Royce Da 5’9″说


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Eminem在Battle Rap中是不可被战胜的..好兄弟Royce Da 59说

Eminem的Battle Rap水准在他的8 Mile电影中表现得淋漓尽致。Total Slaughter节目的组织者之一/好兄弟Royce Da 5’9″这样评价Em:没人可以打败Eminem。


“I don’t know,” he said to VladTV when asked if Eminem will return to battling. “I haven’t had a conversation with him in depth about his ‘return.’ It sounds so far-fetched to me but you never know, I never speak for Marshall, that’s one thing I never do because he’s very spontaneous like I am.

开始了! Eminem和Rihanna各自发布照片告诉你他们在排练..Em保持风格像雕塑 (2张照片)

Royce接着说:Nobody is gonna beat Em..

“You never know, man,” he continues. “If he wakes up one day and decides he wants to do it, it’s his platform [so] he can do it. Whoever it is is gonna lose. Nobody is gonna beat Em. I don’t care what anybody has to say it’s just my personal opinion. All of that shit that Dizaster does connecting the syllables, he’s like a fine mixture of a lot of great battle rappers and [Eminem] still has that. He can still freestyle and I think it would be great if he were to do that, definitely. But I don’t know if it’ll happen or not.”

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