你永远都不会相信Kanye West把格莱美奖杯放在这个地方..太低调谦虚了


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你永远都不会相信Kanye West把格莱美奖杯放在这个地方..太低调谦虚了

Kim接受BBC电台采访说老公把他的21个格莱美奖杯放在了洗衣间, 放袜子的抽屉..不像其他人摆在很显眼的位置,他太低调了,虽然rant的时候很高调。

“Kanye’s not big on putting his Grammys up and stuff like that, they’re literally in the laundry room, like just randomly. Or a sock drawer and all around. So I’ve gathered them all, and maybe I can talk him into putting them in one of our offices. He’s not into awards being all around the house — he’s not a show-off person.”

更夸张! 卡戴珊全裸一丝不挂展现超级惹火身材..给你看这么多已经是极限了 (6张照片)

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