给你泼盆冰水..新的Kanye West和卡戴珊性爱录影带根本就没有…K.K.的性生活是Amazing的


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给你泼盆冰水..新的Kanye West和卡戴珊性爱录影带根本就没有...K.K.的性生活是Amazing的

卡戴珊近日接受GQ采访暗示有新的Kanye和她的性爱录影带..但据报道其实根本就没有。原因是她想打发这个问题, 而开玩笑。到底有没有他们俩知道!

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Don’t get your hopes up — a new Kim Kardashian sex tape featuring Kanye West will never see the light of day because … it just doesn’t exist.

Sources close to the couple say Kim was purposely being coy during her recent British GQ interview … where she hinted about doing a sex tape sequel — this time with Yeezus.

Kim told the mag, “My husband Kanye and I have an amazing sex life. So far as the sex tape is concerned, whether or not we’ve made another … If we have, it’s never something I want to go public.”

We’re told what really happened is that Kim didn’t wanna talk about her sex life because she’s super private about that — and instead of just shutting down the interviewer … she decided to playfully tease.

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