抗争中! 性爱录影带受害者Iggy Azalea起诉前男友从她电脑偷偷拷贝她的资料..


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抗争中! 性爱录影带受害者Iggy Azalea起诉前男友从她电脑偷偷拷贝她的资料..

抗争中! Iggy已经起诉前男友从她电脑拷贝她的资料,包括音乐。另外,她还起诉他伪造文书。但起诉书中没有提到男友声称的录影带,这个挺麻烦的!

越来越不利! Iggy Azalea前男友提供她签名扫描照证明他有权利独家销售他们的性爱录影带 (图片)


Iggy Azalea was totally taken advantage of by the ex-boyfriend/producer who says he shot a sex tape with her — because she says the creep also illegally copied data from her laptop.

Iggy filed a federal lawsuit against Hefe Wine … accusing him of downloading the entire contents of her personal computer back in 2009 while they were living together in Atlanta. She says the data included unreleased master recordings.

In July, Hefe announced he was putting out a new EP from Iggy that will “shock the world.” Iggy’s lawsuit accuses him of directly using, or at the very least, converting the stolen data to create this new release.

Iggy also accuses her ex of forgery. TMZ broke the story … Hefe claims he has a document signed by Iggy giving him exclusive rights to her music and music videos. In the suit, she says that doc is a fake — pasted together from a legit contract she once signed.

The lawsuit makes no mention of the sex tape Hefe claims to have recorded.

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