你应该很好奇Kanye West已经为新专辑完成了几首歌曲吧..有人已经泄密


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你应该很好奇Kanye West已经为新专辑完成了几首歌曲吧..有人已经泄密

Kanye West的G.O.O.D. Music艺人Malik Yusef告诉Rolling Stone,Yeezy已经为新专辑录制了20首歌曲。Yeezus出品必属精品。

疯了! 卡戴珊在巴黎受到肢体攻击..差点倒地..场面非常乱..老公Kanye很紧张迅速上前接应 (视频)

Rolling Stone:

Yusef would not divulge any titles (“Your favorite title may not even make it on the album”), but says that West has “20 finished songs.” The musician claims that recording with West this time around has been smoother than Yeezus. “We fought over Yeezus every day,” he says, laughing. “There was no friendly disagreements. It was definitely a war. It’s ‘I don’t give a fuck, Malik. It’s a Kanye album, not a Malik Yusef album.’ Kanye’s kicked me off the label eight times.”

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