大麻消费数据非常惊人!! 到2020年全美大麻的年产值会达到多少? ..更多的州合法..年产值翻翻


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大麻消费数据非常惊人!! 到2020年全美大麻的年产值会达到多少? ..更多的州合法..年产值翻翻


美国更多的州正在开放合法大麻,根据GreenWave Advisors咨询公司的一项报告显示,如果全美50个州开放大麻,整个产值到2020年预计将达到350亿美元,超过2000亿元,统计包括了零售大麻和医用大麻的销售总和。


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The Huffington Post报道:

If all 50 states legalized marijuana and the federal government ended prohibition of the plant, the marijuana industry in the United States would be worth $35 billion just six years from now.

That’s according to a new report from GreenWave Advisors, a research and advisory firm that serves the emerging marijuana industry in the U.S., which found that if all 50 states and the federal government legalized cannabis, combined sales for both medical and retail marijuana could balloon to $35 billion a year by 2020.

If the federal government doesn’t end prohibition and the trajectory of state legalization continues on its current path, with more, but not all, states legalizing marijuana in some form, the industry in 2020 would still be worth $21 billion, GreenWave projects.

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