救火队长T.I.看见女徒弟Iggy Azalea与Snoop Dogg和平后关系再紧张如何处理? Tip情商很高


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救火队长T.I.看见女徒弟Iggy Azalea与Snoop Dogg和平后关系再紧张如何处理? Tip情商很高


当Snoop Dogg听到Iggy Azalea说不会和他合作的反应,满口粗话.. (视频)

“I’m not in a position to make anyone like each other.”

“I respect him enough, I respect her enough, for them to form their own respectful opinions of whomever… I respect Snoop, I respect Iggy, got love for them both. And hopefully one day, you know what I’m sayin’, as time moves on, they’ll find some things that they have in common rather than noticing all the things that they don’t.”

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