谁都想与Rap God Eminem合作..这位街头重量级人物向Eminem抛出橄榄枝


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谁都想与Rap God Eminem合作..这位街头重量级人物向Eminem抛出橄榄枝


Eminem庆祝万圣节的有趣一刻 .. 永远那么Slim Shady (照片)


Jeezy told MLive.com in an interview last week he wants to work with Eminem again, and expressed nothing but hope it can happen as he’s in the midst of a two-month Seen It All Tour that includes stops in Detroit (Nov. 7) and Grand Rapids (Nov. 6). .

“He’s one of the best who ever did it,” Jeezy said. “I always want to work with cats like that!”

“He always represents the 313, so you got to respect that.”

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