霸气让人发抖!! Nicki Minaj把男友的奔驰车用棒球棍砸了..而她毁坏财物却还不会坐牢


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霸气让人发抖!! Nicki Minaj把男友的奔驰车用棒球棍砸了..而她毁坏财物却还不会坐牢


14年感情灰飞烟灭!! Nicki Minaj与男友关系被报道彻底结束了.. 嘻哈世界怎么了? (原因)


Now we know why Nicki Minaj and her longtime boyfriend broke up … one of them was on the verge of going to jail after she smashed the windows of his Mercedes with a baseball bat.

Here’s what we know. During the summer, Nicki and Safaree Samuels got into an argument. She started screaming, he got pissed, and she EXPLODED in anger, grabbing a bat and chasing him out of the house. She wisely chose property over person, and pulverized the 2012 Benz.

And for bad measure, she threw his clothes in the garbage — just like in the movies.

Law enforcement sources tell us … cops were called to the house, but no arrests were made. Safaree was escorted out of the house and left.

As for why Nicki didn’t get in trouble … it appears she owned the Mercedes, but allowed him to use it, and you can’t get arrested for destroying your own property.

They broke up a short time later. Wise move.

Nicki Minaj看上去恢复单身状态? 她的男友擦掉3处Nicki纹身(2处大面积) (照片)

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