不懂Eminem最近攻击三个美女的人..这里Slim Shady嘻哈团体成员给你简单上一课


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不懂Eminem最近攻击三个美女的人..这里Slim Shady嘻哈团体成员给你简单上一课

Slim Shady的嘻哈团体Slaughterhouse成员Crooked I直接给那些不理解Em攻击的人进行一次简短的教育:cypher is a blood sport。

他认为Cypher的表现形式中容不得一个“软”字,一切都是为了表现硬的一面服务。也就是说,Em的这些攻击是给他的Slim Shady人物角色服务。

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Eminem has always been controversial, but given the amount of attention his “Lana Del Rey/Ray Rice” reference has received, do you feel people are blowing it out of proportion?

Crooked I答:

Indeed… Have they ever heard an Em song before? I mean unless you live under a rock you know Em is going to say shit like that. To me a cypher is a blood sport anyway. No country for soft lyrics.

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