Kanye West将冷落音乐事业转投时尚领域? 为了更多的$$ Money? (报道)


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Kanye West将冷落音乐事业转投时尚领域? 为了更多的$$ Money? (报道)


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Page Six报道:

Kanye West is coming to the conclusion that there are bigger bucks in fashion than in music.

“After his next [collaboration] with Paul McCartney comes out, he’s going to step away from music and concentrate on clothing,” said my source.

The sneakers West designed for Nike have become collectibles, selling for thousands of dollars, but West left Nike because he wasn’t making enough money.

“He got a $15 million signing bonus from Adidas, but his line has been pushed back four times because he hasn’t had enough time to work on it,” said my source.

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