心里严重失衡! Iggy Azalea不久前被Eminem攻击..现在这位攻击Eminem老敌人Azealia Banks又向她开炮


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心里严重失衡! Iggy Azalea不久前被Eminem攻击..现在这位攻击Eminem老敌人Azealia Banks又向她开炮

Banks对老敌人Iggy开炮说她抄袭了Nicki Minaj的风格。另外对Iggy获得格莱美提名愤愤不平,觉得她不应该被放入嘻哈类别里面。真够不客气的。

Not Afraid/枪/操/Fuck 嘻哈街头创意 连帽卫衣 购买


“Nicki Minaj over the past two, three, four years has done so much to create this social presence, like consciousness, and then here you go. She’s like Re-Up and Roman Reloaded, and here go fuckin’ Iggy like Reclassified. It’s like a cultural smudging was what I see.”


“…And it makes me upset. … Put [Iggy] in the pop category. Put her and Miley Cyrus in the same f*ckin’ box together. Don’t put her in hip-hop. Just because she’s singing, does not mean she’s rap music.”

上一篇:再次喋喋不休! 女说唱歌手Azealia Banks公开点名攻击Eminem..对Rap God指手画脚 (图片)

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