Rap God Eminem爱Stan..他地亲自前往探望一位身患癌症的17岁粉丝..他的生命只剩下7天
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Rap God Eminem非常慷慨地答应了一位身患绝症的Stan的请求。他去探望了这位名叫Gage Garmo的小粉丝,他才17岁。
冬天依旧可以很温暖。Eminem可以很“Slim Shady”,也可以非常得“正能量”。
真正的Slim Shady其实是如此的温情!
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The two spent around an hour together — talking and hanging out. We’re told the whole thing meant a lot to Gage, who was in good spirits during the visit and after.
上一篇:Rap God遇到麻烦了..Eminem的热歌Rap God被起诉..这位说唱歌手索要得可真多
Metro Detroit, Gage Garmo got his dream! Thank you so much to everyone who helped this amazing man meet Eminem! #GetGageGarmoToMeetEminem
— Jay Vinchi (@JayVinchi) January 11, 2015
#GetGageGarmoToMeetEminem succeeds! A tribute to a great young man, a kind entertainer and tenacious friends at Rochester High!
— Rev. John Miller (@RevJohnMiller) January 12, 2015
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Mission accomplished ️ God Bless this beautiful kid and thank you guys for all your hard work…
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