这才是大佬..Jay Z在Common得到奥斯卡大奖后的反应..到底跟Common讲了什么


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这才是大佬..Jay Z在Common得到奥斯卡大奖后的反应..到底跟Common讲了什么


Common在拿下奥斯卡大奖后,把成功带到了Jimmy Kimmel Live!节目现场,在那里他分享了得到奥斯卡奖后,Jay Z跟他讲了一些话:

Common说,Jay Z告诉他不要把奖杯放起来,走到哪都带着它:

“Jay Z told me don’t put it down though. He said, ‘Carry it everywhere,’”

Jay Z非常自豪,Common说,Jay的话很打动他,说他和John代表了他们,代表了hiphop,黑人…

“He just was really proud. He said something to me that really touched me, He felt that I represented all of us. People from hip-hop, as black men, as people of love, children of God, he felt that John [Legend] and I were representing that with this Academy Award.”

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