有变化! Kanye West电脑被偷有新的进展..事情很蹊跷


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有变化! Kanye West电脑被偷有新的进展..事情很蹊跷

Yeezy艺人昨日透露老板电脑被偷,而Def Jam高管出来否认。这事情很蹊跷,因为Kanye有一首新歌于今天泄漏。他说与这事无关, 只是巧合。太巧了!

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The New York Times:

“The stories circulating that Kanye West’s laptop has been stolen are completely false,” he said in a statement. “His laptop has never been out of his possession. Hence, the laptop has not been hacked, and there has been no leak of personal data such as unreleased music, photographs, designs, videos or any other personal files. The leak today of the unreleased track ‘Awesome’ was unrelated and completely coincidental.”

上一篇:出大事了! Kanye West的电脑被偷.. (图片)

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