大揭秘! Dr. Dre透露徒弟Eminem在歌词上的“秘密”..当他知道内容时也是“二手”的


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大揭秘! Dr. Dre透露徒弟Eminem在歌词上的“秘密”..当他知道内容时也是“二手”的

Dre透露的秘密让我们知道了Eminem创作歌词过程的保密性和独立性。连师父都要在他录制的时候才能知道歌词,Rap God是这样炼成的! 非常与众不同!


12. Eminem keeps his lyrics secret.

“Working with him is crazy. He never lets me know what he’s gonna say until he gets on the mic. My face has been in my hands numerous amounts of times.”

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