面对Jay Z新流媒体服务TIDAL虎视眈眈..Apple公司反击了..苹果这么干..


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面对Jay Z新流媒体服务TIDAL虎视眈眈..Apple公司反击了..苹果这么干..


Jay Z新成立的流媒体服务TIDAL正在对这个行业虎视眈眈,撤掉了自己在Spotify平台上的所有自己的歌曲移到TIDAL,据报道,Hov要求旗下艺人签订排他性合同. 同在这行业的Apple旗下Beats Music(收购Dr.Dre公司时一起拿下的)流媒体服务已经开始布局,他们采取高度竞争性战略,开始和许多音乐明星商量签订排他性合同,包括Taylor Swift这样的大牌巨星。

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Apple Inc has approached more than a dozen musicians, including British band Florence and the Machine, in an effort to sign exclusive deals for some of their music to be streamed on Beats, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

The company is in talks with Florence and the Machine to give Apple limited streaming rights to a track from their album set to be released in June, Bloomberg said.

Apple has also approached Taylor Swift and others about partnerships..

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