神奇..原来嘻哈音乐还有治愈口吃的功能..Eminem专辑把歌手Ed Sheeran的病治好了


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神奇..原来嘻哈音乐还有治愈口吃的功能..Eminem专辑把歌手Ed Sheeran的病治好了

Eminem为什么会成为歌手Ed Sheeran喜爱的说唱歌手原因非常有趣。就是因为小时候他老爸给他买了The Marshall Mathers LP专辑治愈了他的口吃。


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“Though speech therapy and homeopathy didn’t work, rap music became an effective remedy,” he said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “My Uncle Jim told my dad that Eminem was the next Bob Dylan — it’s pretty similar, it’s all just storytelling — so my dad bought me The Marshall Mathers LP when I was nine years old, not knowing what was on it. I learned every word of it, back to front, by the time I was 10. He raps very fast and melodically and percussively, and it helped me get rid of the stutter.”

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