Khloé卡戴珊为17岁妹妹Kylie Jenner辩护..说自己未成年时也和男人上过床


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Khloé卡戴珊为17岁妹妹Kylie Jenner辩护..说自己未成年时也和男人上过床

很多人对17岁的Kylie Jenner与成年的Tyga谈恋爱一直指指点点,Khloé卡戴珊看不下去出来替妹妹说两句。她说自己曾经未成年时和男人睡过,而Kylie现在的状态也不像是未成年的孩子。


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“I think at 16 I was probably f*cking someone that was in their 20s, for sure. I wouldn’t say I was even dating, probably just sleeping with them. But again Kylie is not a normal 17-year-old. You’re not gonna say, “Hey, so what are you doing this weekend?” and have her say, “Having a slumber party at my girlfriend’s,” or “Going to prom.” That’s not what Kylie does. Kylie is taking business meetings and bought her first house, or she’s going on a private plane with Karl Lagerfeld to take a meeting. That’s not even what people do in their 30s. It’s a rare circumstance, so let’s treat this as a special case.”

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