地产大亨/美国总统候选人唐纳德-特朗普对Kanye West要竞选总统的回应..


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地产大亨/美国总统候选人唐纳德 特朗普对Kanye West要竞选总统的回应..


美国总统候选人唐纳德-特朗普Donald Trump,这位房地产大亨持续在共和党内支持率取得领先。他对Kanye West在VMA上宣布竞选2020年美国总统的决定进行了回应。

Kanye West要竞选美国总统..不到24小时内..美国白宫已这样回应


Rolling Stone:

“He’s said very nice things about me in the past… extremely positive things – I was actually watching, I saw him [announce his candidacy on the VMAs], and I said, ‘That’s very interesting. I wonder who gave him that idea?’ … He’s actually a different kind of person than people think. He’s a nice guy. I hope to run against him someday.”

Yeezy宣布竞选总统后,已经陆续有好友为他启动了竞选造势,包括Rihanna,Khole卡戴珊和Kylie Jenner。

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