兄弟关系好到爆表! Jay Z女儿Blue即将上演音乐处女秀..要客串乐队歌曲..这是个牛逼的乐队


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兄弟关系好到爆表! Jay Z女儿Blue即将上演音乐处女秀..要客串乐队歌曲..这是个牛逼的乐队

Jay Z与Coldplay乐队领袖Chris Martin好兄弟多年,他们合作过歌曲Lost。现在,Jay的女儿也将与乐队合作,她的歌声将出现在专辑上。

Hov老婆Beyonce也将客串,出现在乐队的第7张专辑的歌曲Hymn for the Weekend上。

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Martin recently opened up to the Wall Street Journal and spilled major tea. Beyonce will make an appearance on a record called “Hymn for the Weekend,” and Blue Ivy has vocals through out the album entitled, “A Head Full of Dreams.”

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