千呼万唤..终于Macklemore & Ryan Lewis宣布新专辑This Unruly Mess I’ve Made和发行日期


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千呼万唤..终于Macklemore & Ryan Lewis宣布新专辑This Unruly Mess I’ve Made和发行日期


在他们首张专辑获得格莱美大奖后3年了,Macklemore & Ryan Lewis终于宣布新专辑This Unruly Mess I’ve Made。


“Look at the mess. Not just the one we created, but the one that is the very fabric of our country, The mess we’re all living in. Stop being silent. Even if it’s not perfect, or politically correct, you have to speak up and you have to listen.”

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千呼万唤..终于Macklemore & Ryan Lewis宣布新专辑This Unruly Mess I’ve Made和发行日期

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