伟大的科比是西海岸新王者Kendrick Lamar的篮球之王..他这样致敬 (视频)


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伟大的科比是西海岸新王者Kendrick Lamar的篮球之王..他这样致敬 (视频)

因为科比是西海岸洛杉矶湖人队的篮球英雄,他即将正式退役,所以Kendrick Lamar在此时此刻向这位伟大的篮球之王致敬。

Kendrick Lamar:

“How do empires last when there’s no longer an emperor? I mean, we got you, but at the same time, we got you. Your blood, your sweat, your tears, and even your DNA is placed in these L.A. concretes, man. Nothing will ever replace that or erase that. Forever great in our hearts. With that being said, know that it’s never goodbye. It’s simply respect due…forever.”



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