Eminem憎恶同性恋群体? 你错了..好朋友/同性恋者Elton John揭秘阿姆真实的态度 (附我们对阿姆的理解)


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Eminem憎恶同性恋群体? 你错了..好朋友/同性恋者Elton John揭秘阿姆真实的态度 (附我们对阿姆的理解)

Eminem对同性恋的“反感”表现在他的歌词里面,但是阿姆的好友Elton John本身就是同性恋的身份,这里就有冲突了。


“For me, Eminem was never homophobic. I listened to the whole of the ‘Marshall Mathers’ album when I drove to a show in South Hampton and I was floored by it. And I thought how could anyone think this is… he’s just writing about the way things are. Not how he thinks, but the way things are.”

In 2004 Eminem told MTV News that he didn’t know or care about John’s sexuality:

“Of course, I heard of Elton John,” said. “I didn’t know he was gay. I didn’t know anything about his personal life. I didn’t really care. But being that he was gay and he had my back, I think it made a statement in itself saying that he understood where I was coming from.”

我们的理解是,阿姆作为Slim Shady狠角色的时候当然要出来抨击同性恋群体,因为这是嘻哈反感的,而有些是事实描述。而在私下,我们认为Marshall对这部分群体是尊重的,他的为人是善良的,所以才可能与一个“同性恋”的Elton John作为好朋友多年。John曾经还帮助阿姆走出困境。

艺术家身份和生活中的阿姆是有区别的。Slim Shady形象是他打造的艺术作品,经常有出格的言语,但那是art,艺术表现需要。生活中的Marshall是很nice的一个人,nice过99.99%的人。这么说一点都不夸张。

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