Eminem在嘻哈界处于什么地位? 为嘻哈作出多大贡献? 老乡Big Sean给出最客观答案
上次Big Sean高度评价了Lil Wayne..这回他把最好的赞美给了底特律老乡Rap God Eminem。
“Eminem is the biggest rapper in the world and he’s broken a lot of barriers, not just for the city but for music in general, especially rap music. Growing up, I just admired the lyrical ability, the way he plays with words. It’s something that I always try to incorporate in my music too.”
说的很客观,特别是第一句“the biggest rapper in the world”,这是Slim在嘻哈界的地位。第二句他说Shady打破了很多界限…尤其是说唱音乐,这是Rap God的贡献。
Big Sean自己是个很成功的rapper,对同行的评价那是“一针见血”,很有水平。够客观够事实够real才是硬道理。
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