嘻哈大佬/Wu-Tang大将RZA更高纬度地赞扬Rap God Eminem大骂美国总统Trump的freestyle


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嘻哈大佬/Wu-Tang大将RZA更高纬度地赞扬Rap God Eminem大骂美国总统Trump的freestyle … “When it starts leaking over…now this lack of humanity is being recognized by their community. And Eminem became a voice for that. And I’m glad Em did that. I gained another level of respect for Em. He put his balls on the table.” 这就是Eminem的高度,也是他这么多年来一直追求的境界,Slim Shady现在就差冲破天际到火星称王了。

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嘻哈大佬/Wu Tang大将RZA更高纬度地赞扬Rap God Eminem大骂美国总统Trump的freestyle
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嘻哈大佬/Wu Tang大将RZA更高纬度地赞扬Rap God Eminem大骂美国总统Trump的freestyle
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嘻哈大佬/Wu Tang大将RZA更高纬度地赞扬Rap God Eminem大骂美国总统Trump的freestyle

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