50 Cent与脱口秀女王奥普拉Oprah Winfrey见面化解前嫌,Fif说:现在我很喜欢她


50 Cent与脱口秀女王奥普拉Oprah Winfrey见面化解前嫌,Fif说:现在我很喜欢她

50 Cent曾不喜欢脱口秀女王奥普拉(Oprah Winfrey),把家里的宠物狗以Oprah Winfrey名字命名。

近日Fif做客脱口秀女王Oprah的节目The Next Chapter,将在这周日Oprah的OWN频道播出。

Fif说一开始跟Oprah比较消极,是因为我看到的Oprah不喜欢hip-hop文化,以Oprah Winfrey名字命名我的宠物,但现在我喜欢她。
“It started out negative ’cause I thought Oprah didn’t like hip-hop culture, I got the dog and now I love Oprah.”

奥普拉与Fif聊天后评价也是很高,表示很喜欢这个关于Rap文化,关于50 Cent作为父亲Curtis及他的爱/生活的交谈,很喜欢他。
“Great conversation about rap culture, fatherhood, love, and life…He describes himself as two people—Curtis and 50 Cent—I was fascinated to hear his description of them both. Really glad I did it. Really liked him.”

上一篇:50 Cent发布与Kidd Kidd歌曲Get Busy MV (视频)

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