有网站出价$100万美元购买Kanye West性爱录像带
2012-09-22Kanye West正在担心自己的性录像带流出。现在有网站想花$100万美元购买。
The Huffington Post报道,Sex网站已经宣布他们正出价$100万美元购买这个视频,而且表示如果出价太低可以商量。
They are offering $1 million for the video, and are willing to negotiate if that offer is too low.
Kanye West is an artist, one of the world’s biggest stars, and ultimately a sex symbol which is why the curiosity of the public cannot go on. By making a Kanye West sex-tape public, Sex.com feels that he and current girlfriend Kim Kardashian will become the first celebrity sex-tape power couple. They will be the epitome of Western tabloid culture. The public already craves any details released about their relationship and this tape, filmed pre-relationship, will provide a frank view of the relationship’s inception and confirm Kanye’s rumoured obsession with the reality TV star.
上一篇:Kanye West也有了自己的性录像带,即将流出?女主角像女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian (照片)
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