Chris Brown在This Is How I Made It节目 希望能影响激励别人 (视频)


Chris Brown在MTV的This Is How I Made It节目上回顾他的职业生涯的成功和低谷。

Breezy回顾了今年凭借 F.A.M.E. 赢得格莱美Best R&B Album专辑大奖,“It was just the most bliss feeling again. I appreciate it so much even to this day”

“For me to go through people’s whole opinions changing of me, having to get personal opinion back and having to gain personal success back… It’s not all the way back,…I can’t hate people for making judgment on me or making a decision of liking me or not liking me. All I can do is try to be better as a person, and I’m good with knowing everything isn’t going to always be perfect.”

Breezy也希望自己能够影响更多的人,“My legacy can hopefully show that them once you’re down, that don’t just mean you’re down forever. You never let up,”

上一篇:Chris Brown展示75万美元新Lamborghini蓝博基尼跑车 (照片)

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