50 Cent 感恩节慈善回馈,向纽约飓风受灾的群众送火鸡 (视频)


50 Cent 感恩节慈善回馈,向纽约飓风受灾的群众送火鸡 (视频)

感恩节来临,50 Cent和美国最大的缓解饥饿慈善机构Feeding America, Food Network还有他的耳机公司SMS Audio一起在纽约曼哈顿的Cipriani 餐馆举办Our Table Is Yours感恩节回馈活动,向飓风桑迪中受灾的纽约市民和饥饿的当地居民,送去感恩节食物。

“I’m able to provide meals for victims of Sandy or other people in New York City that don’t actually have food. [Hunger,] it’s a world issue, it’s not a third-world issue. One in six Americans are actually going hungry. You got kids that’s surviving based on their school lunch and more than one out of five kids are experiencing hunger.”

上一篇:50 Cent 发布歌曲 United Nations MV (视频)

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