Game回应50 Cent在单曲My Life里的攻击,他就像是僵尸 (视频)


当Game和50 Cent之间的摩擦渐渐淡化时,最近50 Cent在新歌My Life  (MV)里攻击了这位前G-Unit成员和另一成员现在监狱里的Young Buck,(so Game and Buck, both can suck a d*ck).  Game做客Big Boy’s Neighborhood 节目,回应了50 Cent,Jayceon说:50 Cent就像电影里的僵尸,当你干掉他们后,他们会重新站起来…

“That’s really the best he can do. Buck is in jail, his situation is that and he can’t defend himself from there. But you know if he [50] keep[s] it up…every now and then you get these Zombie movies, no matter how many times you shoot them they keep [trying to get back up]. I mean I might have to figure out a different like scorpion gun, or get a poison bow and arrow with peanut butter and Skippy on it or something. I’ma kill him though.”

也许像Big Boy说的,也许这样只是为了让单曲多卖一点..对于商人Fif来说,更有可能。

上一篇:Game结婚纪录片:Marrying The Game 第3集 (视频) 
My Life之后,Eminem与50 Cent会发行联合专辑? (视频) 

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