Pharrell将作为顾问加入The Voice好声音的Battle Round环节 与Usher搭档


Pharrell将作为顾问加入The Voice好声音的Battle Round环节 与Usher搭档

Pharrell将带着才华加入The Voice好声音选秀节目,他将在选手battle rounds环节作为顾问加入。

据E!, 是已经加入The Voice评委的Usher邀请Pharrell加入他的团队,Usher对Pharrell评价很高,没人比他更适合这个工作。
“A master of his craft, an artist, an innovator. Who better to have on my team than Pharrell?..His ability to nurture and develop talent is invaluable and will truly benefit each and every one on my team.”

第四季The Voice将在3月25日播出。

上一篇:Rihanna在The Voice选秀节目总决赛表演Diamonds照片

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