Wiz Khalifa说和Amber Rose的孩子将在家中接生


Wiz Khalifa说和Amber Rose的孩子将在家中接生

Wiz Khalifa和Amber Rose还在Big Boy’s Neighborhood 时,他们将让Amber生孩子过程更加私密,孩子将会在家中出生…Amber生的时候会拉住Wiz的手缓解分娩痛苦,而Wiz将会负责把孩子拉出来。

We’re doing a home birth,…It consists of her being in a whole lot of pain, with no medicine. We’re going to have a midwife and doula at the crib. And she’s gonna be in a pool. It’s gonna be like a relaxing environment. And when she’s ready she’s gonna tell me when to stick my hands down there and I’m gonna pull the baby out.

上一篇:Wiz Khalifa和Amber Rose给儿子起好名字 可能会为孩子录些歌

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