Rihanna变成新戴安娜王妃与戴安娜一起登上The Sunday Times杂志封面 (照片)


Rihanna变成新戴安娜王妃与戴安娜一起登上The Sunday Times杂志封面 (照片)
The Sunday Times杂志认为Rihanna是新戴安娜王妃,RiRi与已故英国王妃共同分享了杂志新一期刊封面。更多照片在下面。


Like Diana, Rihanna has worryingly drifted into using photo ops to send messages of allure, defiance, or revenge in a turbulent relationship with an errant partner…..Diana’s anguished helplessness and isolation inside the royal family, with its stoical code of duty, led her to gravitate toward the ever-hovering paparazzi, whose global power as a media institution increased exponentially because of her popularity…

Diana and Rihanna began as sensitive, wounded, but appealingly bubbly and good-natured provincial girls who slowly discovered their own photogenic virtuosity and began to conceptualize themselves as living sculpture for the lens. Both developed a false intimacy with photographers and the public and began to cannibalize themselves in their futile search for security in love. Diana, rebuffed, eventually accepted her exile. But Rihanna, in the classic syndrome of the battered woman, still pities and hopes to change and save her abuser…

上一篇:Rihanna在伦敦夜店遭男子袭击流血..因为和Chris Brown的关系 (照片)
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Rihanna变成新戴安娜王妃与戴安娜一起登上The Sunday Times杂志封面 (照片)
Rihanna变成新戴安娜王妃与戴安娜一起登上The Sunday Times杂志封面 (照片)

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