Kanye West 认为Lil Wayne是全世界最好的说唱歌手


Kanye West 认为Lil Wayne是全世界最好的说唱歌手

Kanye West 并不满意MTV给他排在MTV Hottest MCs In The Game榜单第7名,同时在他眼里,Yeezy认为Lil Wayne是全世界最好的说唱歌手。

Yeezy在Hot 97被主持人问到谁是第一说:I think that [Lil] Wayne is the number one rapper in the world.

他补充到,我认为Jay-Z和Eminem也是最伟大的rapper:Yeah, I just think he’s like, you know, him and Jay and Em and certain people are just the greatest rappers of all time. For me I feel that in order for them to put me as #7, they had to bring up things that they didn’t like.

回顾:Lil Wayne说Kanye West在新专辑I Am Not A Human Being II帮了很大的忙

上一篇:Kanye West 不满MTV给他Hottest MCs最火说唱歌手榜单第7名

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