Chris Brown宣布新专辑名字“X”,透露2首新歌名字和第一单曲Fine China细节


Chris Brown宣布新专辑名字“X”,透露2首新歌名字和第一单曲Fine China细节

Chris Brown邀请MTV到Southern California录音室参加私人试听会,Breezy谈到新专辑近况,确认新专辑名字叫 X 及透露几首新歌和第一单曲Fine China细节。

“The song and the album title ‘X’ has a couple different meanings. It can refer to an ex-girlfriend, in terms of you always look forward to moving forward from. It’s also about being a reject in a sense. In me being myself, being able to grow up, me not always hanging around the right crowd or doing the right thing all the time — it’s me saying, ‘I’m over it. I’m past the bullsh– now.’ “

他谈到专辑将更R&B,将有old-school和soul-inspired的声音也会展示他唱功,专辑第一单曲Fine China已经拍摄MV,由Diplo制作,歌曲将会有说唱部分。 将在4月1日发布。

“For the first single, I wanted to go more nostalgic, bring Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Sam Cooke to it, but also bring a new sound to what my audience and fans are listening to,” he said. “For this album, I wanted to have the same mentality as I did with the first album — me being green, me not thinking I know what’s hot and what’s next, me just being Chris Brown. I think this will show my vocal ability a lot more. I’ve developed a falsetto, I can sing at a higher register, and I can elaborate more on my skill.”

Chris Brown拍摄新单曲Fine China MV…红色蓝博基尼超级跑车… (视频)

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