Lil Wayne:这次癫痫很恐怖,连续3次.心率下降到30%..基本上已经死了


Lil Wayne:这次癫痫很恐怖,连续3次.心率下降到30%..基本上已经死了

Lil Wayne在癫痫康复之后,首次接受采访,他接受DJ Felli Fel在Power 106采访。

Weezy说已经100%康复,“I’m 100.”

Lil Wayne重病出院后首次公开亮相..去看最爱的滑板运动比赛 (13张照片)

谈到癫痫,Weezy说糟糕的是我有癫痫症状,我很容易得癫痫…以往有过许多次,只是你们不知道而已,但是这次糟透了,3个连续癫痫,最后一个让我的心率下降到30%..一般来说,我可能已经死了: “The bad news is I’m an epileptic. I’m prone to seizures. This isn’t my first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh seizure. I’ve had a bunch of seizures, ya’ll just never hear about them. But this time it got real bad ’cause I had three of them in a row and on the third one, my heart rate went down to like 30 percent. Basically, I could’ve died, so that is why it was so serious.”

谈到癫痫原因,Weezy表示是工作压力: “But the reason being for the seizures is just plain stress, no rest, overworking myself. That’s just typical me though.”

Lil Wayne新专辑 I Am Not A Human Being II 首周销量预测公布


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