Justin Timberlake得到美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马赞扬..在白宫做客 (5张照片)
美国时间4月9日。Justin Timberlake做客白宫参加美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马的一场特殊的音乐教育活动。
由于Justin在场导致现场的人们比较激动,Michelle Obama劝人们“冷静”:
“Oh, watching you all’s faces — priceless. Priceless. See, you never know what’s going to happen at the White House. Okay, let’s breathe. Come on. Everyone, let’s breathe, even the moms.”
“(When) Justin first started touring, he would immediately go to the bus to watch a tape of his performance, taking notes so that the next night he would be even better.”
上一篇:又来了!! Justin Timberlake吓到了!! 警察包围他的豪宅抓持枪歹徒 (照片)
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