强奸歌词没什么? Meek Mill为老板Rick Ross辩护..举Biggie例子 (音频)


强奸歌词没什么? Meek Mill为老板Rick Ross辩护..举Biggie例子 (音频)

Rick Ross的道歉平息不了公众的愤怒。现在,有女权组织要求某运动品牌与他解约。而他的徒弟Meek Mill为他站台,他认为这没什么, 因为Biggie曾经也说过类似的话。


“I don’t even care about nobody criticizing no lyrics. People rap about killing stuff all day. Biggie said, ‘Rape your kid. Throw her over the bridge.’ It was nothing, it was just hip-hop.”


“Now you got all these weirdos on these social sites voicing their opinion about something anybody say. I don’t care. I’m from the ‘hood. I never really cared about what nobody say in no rap. Rap’s always been talking about killing, drugs, all types of stuff. So you can’t just criticize no one thing nobody say. It’s imaginary visual. If a writer write about somebody getting r*ped in a movie, that mean he a r*pist or he want girls to get r*ped? No, he just wrote about that in a movie.”



上一篇:Rick Ross为隐含“强奸Rape”性侵犯的说唱歌词道歉 (图片)
Rick Ross纵容“强奸”女人..现在为自己辩护说:我不是这个意思 你们误会了

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