Kanye West 和T.I.厂牌第一夫人Iggy Azalea暧昧?听Iggy亲口说..很有意思


Kanye West 和T.I.厂牌第一夫人Iggy Azalea暧昧?听Iggy亲口说..很有意思

T.I.厂牌第一夫人Iggy Azalea最近上了媒体头条,因为传闻称Kanye West在卡戴珊怀孕期间和Iggy暧昧。

Kanye West 出轨??背着卡戴珊Kim Kardashian和T.I.女艺人Iggy Azalea暧昧?!

澳大利亚人Iggy最近接受家乡媒体 The Music采访时,很有趣地否认了传闻。Iggy说:自己是在小店买烤鸡时,无意间翻了一本杂志时发现Kim因为金发美女被Kanye抛弃,再往下读,看到我的脸…大吃一惊,This is bullsh-t! 我根本不知道我们出轨..直到那个小店..

“I was at the grocery store buying a rotisserie chicken to eat… and I ran in and got it and I was standing in the line, and you know when you’re standing in line and you see all the tabloid magazines and shit and I looked at it and I was like… ‘Kim gets dumped in Paris for sexy blonde’, ‘skinny blonde muse’, and I was like what the f-ck? I’m looking and it’s my f-cking face and I was like… [laughs] what? This is bullsh-t! I didn’t know we were having an affair until I was like in the grocery sure, buying chicken… it’s just like, and pictures of my butt, or whatever.”

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