MGK底特律翻唱偶像Eminem的Lose Yourself,变身Rabbit演绎8英里Battle最后一段 (视频)


MGK底特律翻唱偶像Eminem的Lose Yourself,变身Rabbit演绎8英里Battle最后一段 (视频)

Machine Gun Kelly多次翻唱过Eminem的歌曲,这回来到Eminem家乡底特律, MGK来到Saint Andrews Hall再次翻唱Eminem的Lost Yourself.

底特律公信力媒体给出Eminem 2013年第8张专辑发行时间…(图片)

在底特律夜店演出,他变身电影8 Mile的Em扮演的B. Rabbit,演绎Em Battle夺冠的最后一段verse。

20位说唱明星们发育时期照片:Eminem, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Snoop, T.I.等(20张照片)


Now that he’s collaborated with DMX (“I Don’t Dance”), he hopes to one day work with another one of his idols, Eminem, who he calls the best rapper alive. “That would be a fan favorite if an MGK-Eminem song ever went down,” says the “Invincible” rapper. “If those two [DMX and Eminem] could be knocked off, I won’t have any more on my bucket list really.”

25张嘻哈明星和滑板照片:Snoop Dogg, Lil Wayne, Pharrell, Lupe, Wiz Khaifa, MGK


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