分分合合后..Chris Brown公开确认和Rihanna分手:我们各做各的.. (音频)


分分合合后..Chris Brown公开确认和Rihanna分手:我们各做各的.. (音频)

已经有很长一段时间Chris Brown和Rihanna没有在一起了,歌迷们也很长一段时间在猜测是否在一起?现在Breezy公开表示他们已经结束..至少是现在。

Chris Brown庆祝24岁生日..Rihanna没有在旁边..脱光衣服抽烟 (12张照片)

Breezy在接受电台The Kyle & Jackie O节目采访时,表示他和RiRi现在已分开,各做自己的事情..

Yeah, I’mma do it solo. I mean at the end of the day, shawty doing her own thang. She on the road… It’s always gonna be love… I’m a grown man, just gotta fast forward.

.Rihanna观看芝加哥公牛队Vs布鲁克林网队NBA季后赛 (10张照片)

当Chris 被问到是否RiRi会成为他的知心伴侣时,是否会最终在一起时,Chris说: 会一直爱着RiRi,但现在无法只专注在她身上..

“The way I look at it is… I’m always going to love that person, but people have differences, and people have different wants and needs.”

“At the end of the day, she’s a young girl. I can’t really be focused on wife-ing someone that young. And I’m young too so I can’t focus on that right now. I gotta step forward and be a man and be the best Chris Brown I can be instead of worrying about whoever else is gonna be on my side pocket.


“I want to really see as many girls as possible. ”

已经习惯分分合合,这样的分开是其中一个,Breezy说会一直爱着RiRi..说不定下周下个月又在一起,但目前他们do their own thing.

Chris Brown和前女友Karrueche洛杉矶庆祝生日,Rihanna正在纽约..(13张照片)


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