Kendrick Lamar选出他认为最伟大的10位说唱歌手, 没有师父Dr.Dre,但有Dre徒弟.. (10位具体)


Kendrick Lamar选出他认为最伟大的10位说唱歌手, 没有师父Dr.Dre,但有Dre徒弟.. (10位具体)

Kendrick Lamar接受Interview杂志采访,列出他 Top10,对他影响最深的10位说唱歌手。

20位说唱明星们发育时期照片:Eminem, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Snoop, T.I.等(20张照片)

那么问题来了,谁的成就是Kendrick Lamar认为无法达到….就3位!!!

BADU: Is there an MC who influenced you or whose level of excellence you feel that you will never reach?

LAMAR: [laughs] That I feel I’ll never reach? I’ll have to say Jay or Eminem. Jay for sure—just off the simple fact of his longevity. That, to me, is probably one-in-a-million for rappers. A good career for a rapper is five or six years, so I think Jay still being relevant and having the skills he has—it’s really unmatched. I hope I get to that level and keep my work ethic up and strategically think of certain things. But there will probably only ever be one Jay. He’ll probably go down as the greatest to ever do it. Pac also could’ve had that, but due to his passing, we’ll never know if he’d have reached that.

K.Dot说:Jay Z和Eminem,Jay的长盛不衰的绝招,在说唱歌手里是100万分之一。一个说唱歌手能维持5-6年鼎盛期是算不错的,这点上,Jay Z保持基业长青的技巧是他达不到的。可能永远只有Jay Z一个。 另外,Pac可能也可以是那样,但他英年早逝,谁也不知道。


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