忍耐有限度! Kanye West 在纽约演出现场再次抨击狗仔:我不是明星..别烦我 (4张照片)


忍耐有限度! Kanye West 在纽约演出现场再次抨击狗仔:我不是明星..别烦我 (4张照片)

离躲避狗仔头撞到铁杆不到一周时间,Kanye West再次登上舞台抨击狗仔,给出Yeezy态度。

Yeezy当地时间周三晚在SNL演出前来到纽约Roseland Ballroom为Adult Swim Upfront Party表演,他表演了些新歌包括Awesome,歌曲献给女朋友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian。

Kanye West刚在纽约的Roseland Ballroom表演新歌, 舞台4面全部封住.. (照片/9个视频)


“Somebody asked me when you do ‘SNL,’ are you gonna do a skit about the paparazzi and shit and humanize yourself?” “I ain’t here to apologize to no motherfuckers, man. It ain’t about me humanizing myself. At what point did I become unhuman where I had to turn myself back? Or maybe I was demonized or maybe I was treated inhumane…”

Kanye West头撞完铁杆,他的460万兰博基尼撞在卡戴珊家门上 (照片/视频)


“I ain’t no motherfu**in’ celebrity. I ain’t running for office. I ain’t kissing nobody’s motherfuckin’ babies. I drop your baby and you sue me and shit. I’m tryna make some music that inspires people to be the best they can be, and I don’t want nobody to ask nothing else of me.”


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