前Cash Money同事爆料:Lil Wayne和Birdman经常接吻! ..他们是同性恋??


前Cash Money同事爆料:Lil Wayne和Birdman经常接吻! ..他们是同性恋??

多年前一张具有争议的Lil Wayne和Birdman接吻照片现在再次被拿出来,前Cash Money同事TQ最近谈论到Weezy和Baby的接吻。


“I never understood it,..I asked for an explanation and they gave me an explanation and as a man as part of my clique had to respect the explanation.”

都是美女..Lil Wayne和兄弟Meek Mill, Rick Ross等在STORY夜店Party (Pt.1/26张照片) | Pt.2

TQ说:人们无法理解他们两人“every day”天天接吻..他们把自己比作父亲和儿子..

“People don’t understand them dudes did that sh*t every day..They consider themselves Father and Son.”

24位顶级嘻哈巨星们的豪宅:Eminem, Lil Wayne, Diddy,Jay-Z, Birdman等 (50张照片)


“We constantly use to get into that and I told them when we in public and cameras were under they are not gonna understand that sh*t and them n*ggaz didn’t care. It was constantly happening every day!”

官方! 帕丽斯·希尔顿Paris Hilton正式签约YMCMB 被Birdman签约到Cash Money..


“We had mad conversations about that. That was a constant struggle and they never gave a f-ck about my opinion about it. I have never seen homosexual tendencies from them cats! I think it’s weird, but I don’t think there was no homosexual sh*t involved!”

Kanye West的“特殊朋友”Gay设计师Riccardo Tisci的300万美元纽约豪宅 (9张照片)


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