Kanye West 新专辑歌曲不在全球最大的视频网站Youtube首播是有原因..(视频)


Kanye West 新专辑歌曲不在全球最大的视频网站Youtube首播是有原因..(视频)

Kanye West 来到了瑞士的巴塞尔宣传新专辑Yeezus,在那里他举行了试听会表演了一些新歌,并再次发表言论。其中令人印象深刻的言论包括他对全球最大的视频网站Youtube批评。(Kanye目前新专辑中没有一首歌在Youtube上发布,New Slaves通过建筑幻灯投射首播)

Kanye West 罕见接受媒体采访,想成为流行文化领域的传奇人物苹果领袖乔布斯 (详细)

Yeezy表达了内心对Youtube的不喜欢:整个播放器太丑了,在那上面播放歌曲很不礼貌,我希望我制作的每个作品都能够在充满艺术的设备里播放, 而我做的是声音艺术..

[I hate YouTube because] the player is so ugly, and it’s presented in such a terrible manner. I want everything I do to be presented in an art context, as this is a form of sonic art. I was an artist originally, I have been in art school since I was 5 years old. I got scholarships to three art schools, Art Institute of Chicago, Saint Xavier, and the American Academy of Art, where I ended up going—and I dropped out because I had an assignment where I was supposed to do an ink painting or something, and I would take two weeks to do it, and when I looked at my work, I just felt that I would never be one of the great visual artists of the world.

加拿大模特:Kanye West 出轨去年和她开始发生关系, 甚至在Kim怀孕时..还有上周?! (照片)

Yeezy 继续说:我是艺术家出生,5岁开始就在艺术学校学习,拿到3个艺术学校奖学金但后来退学了,因为觉得自己不会成为世界最顶尖的视觉艺术家,最终可能只是在广告公司的一员工。我希望能够影响别人,当我做音乐,有更多的人会有反应,我发行我音乐上更具才华。

I just felt like I would end up like—and this is no knock to anybody that does this—but I felt like I would end up working at an ad agency or something like that. I wanted to make something of impact. I found that when I would drop samples, my friends would react to it more. I felt that I had a real talent in chopping and appropriating music.”

看看Kanye West 新专辑Yeezus CD背面包装,红色胶布变黄色胶布,全透明 (照片)

Yeezy在瑞士试听会现场清唱New Slaves视频更新完毕,下一页:

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