Jay Z, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna等巨星抵制在佛罗里达演出


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Jay Z, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna等巨星抵制在佛罗里达演出

联合抵制抗议.. Jay Z, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Alicia Keys等巨星抵制在佛罗里达演出…

音乐界元老级人物Stevie Wonder在佛罗里达州法院宣判枪杀Trayvon Martin的George Zimmerman无罪时第二天就发起联合抵制运动,不去那里演出。


“I decided today that until the ‘stand your ground’ law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again. As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world.”

Rod Stewart, Madonna, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Jay Z, Kanye West, Trey Songz, Young Jeezy, Wale, R. Kelly, Rihanna, Alicia Keys等明星加入了这场运动,直到stand your ground法律被废除。

事实上,JAY Z已经取消了在佛罗里达的演唱会。

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