Jay Z 真的愤怒了! 对杀害Trayvon凶手无罪判决愤怒反应:我整整2晚没睡觉..(视频)


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Jay Z 真的愤怒了! 对杀害Trayvon凶手无罪判决愤怒反应:我整整2晚没睡觉..(视频)

Jay Z 真的愤怒了,不是因为他整整两晚没有睡觉,而是对佛罗里达陪审团判决杀害Trayvon凶手George Zimmerman 无罪感到非常愤怒。

中央电视台新闻联播特写:Jay Z 和老婆Beyonce出现在纽约集会支持Trayvon现场 (视频)

Hov在接受The Truth With Elliott Wilson节目采访时,真情流露,坦白自己无法接受判决结果:我真的很愤怒,我整整2天没有睡觉,我真的很气。Trayvon被跟随,他反击了,他可能赢了,但不能说明他犯罪。

“I was really angry, I didn’t sleep for two days. I was really angry about it. We all knew it was still a bit of racism in America but for it to be so blatant, if you just ask yourself the question, ‘Didn’t Travyon have a right to stand his ground?’ He was being chased, he fought back. He may have won. That doesn’t mean he’s a criminal. He won.

43位明星非常愤怒对Trayvon 谋杀案凶手的无罪判决:Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Nicki, Diddy..


If you chase me and you try to attack me and I defend myself, how can I be in the wrong? How is that right? This guy went to get some Skittles and go back to watch the All-Star game. He had plans. ‘I gonna get this Arizona, these Skittles, and go watch this game.’ … He had no intentions of robbing anyone’s home — it’s a thing where it’s like a reminder of, ‘We still got a long way to go.’ It’s beautiful because this generation right now, they don’t see color in that way. We’re a bit removed from those racist feelings.”


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