卡戴珊想为男性杂志拍裸照..这是男友Kanye West的反应?! (报道)


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卡戴珊想为男性杂志拍裸照..这是男友Kanye West的反应?! (报道)

生完孩子的卡戴珊Kim Kardashian 在之前的报道称自己想为顶级的男性杂志拍摄裸照。很自然,很多人想知道先生Kanye West的想法。


Kim Kardashian 卡戴珊透露想拍摄裸照愿望..点名一本顶级男性杂志拍摄


“Hell yeah he would go and then he’d make them get out of the room so they could handle some business alone, He likes being in control and I wouldn’t be surprised if he started to direct the whole damn shoot.”

Yeezy 完全支持Kim,如果Kim喜欢,做的事情能让Kim开心,他会全力支持:

“He thinks it’s brilliant,” says the source. “If Kim wants to do it and if it’s something that’s going to make her happy, he’s all for it.” “He likes all that sexy sh*t Kim be doing. He likes her confidence, How many guys out there can say there girl was on the cover of Playboy?”

记忆/纪念!! CHANEL“老佛爷”卡尔-拉格斐为怀孕卡戴珊拍摄了6组照片 (7张照片进入)

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