悲伤的消息! Eminem小时候的旧房子被拆除..永远成为记忆..原因是? (17张照片)


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悲伤的消息! Eminem小时候的旧房子被拆除..永远成为记忆..原因是? (17张照片)

悲伤的消息! Eminem小时候的旧房子被密歇根州政府拆除..永远成为记忆..原因是?

Eminem新专辑The Marshall Mathers LP 2中的主角因为11月7日的一次火灾,导致房子严重受损。房子的拥有方Michigan Land Bank评估房子存在安全隐患,不得不在近日把它拆除。Michigan Land Bank是隶属于州政府。

“The condition of the property post-fire presents a safety hazard that the Land Bank is responsible for removing. The goal is to demolish and clean up the site, so neighborhood safety and order can be restored.”

– Michigan Land Bank director Kim Homan

与前妻Kim复合?? Eminem坐不住了..他的发言人出来澄清复合传闻


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